The Most Common Types of Security Officers in Houston, Texas

Jun 30, 2023

Living in the United States of America, we have all seen different security officers around. We see them around the country, not just in cities like Austin, Dallas, Houston, or San Antonio.

While we know that there are different types of security officers based on their uniforms and duties, do we know how to differentiate them from each other?

Here at Ranger Security Agency, we have been in the security industry for decades, and so we’ve had our fair share of education and experience. This is why we’re returning the favor when it comes to educating our readers and clients through blogs like this.

In this article, we’re going to share three of the most common types of security officers in Houston, Texas.

  1. Armed Security Officers

The idea of having an armed and trained professional patrolling your properties can give some people added peace of mind, especially when they live or operate their businesses in such a big city like Houston. This is when Armed Security Officers come in since they are well-trained and licensed to carry firearms around Texas.

  1. Unarmed Security Officers

If you’re looking for that extra pair of eyes on your properties but don’t want any firearms lingering around your premises, then an Unarmed Security Officer could be your best bet. From the name itself, you’ll know that they’re not licensed to carry firearms, but this doesn’t mean that they’re not trained to protect you.

  1. Off-Duty Law Enforcement

There might be specific security needs that might arise where a client will need an off-duty officer to step in and help them. This is when Off-Duty Law Enforcement comes in, and this is something that we can arrange or request for you – you won’t have to do any work, trust us.

  1. ATV Patrols

Lastly, if you’re planning any kind of event that’s going to be held in rural areas, then ATV Patrols could be your best bet when it comes to having that security in place. These officers are well-trained and they can cover large distances in a short period. They can surely keep an eye on your event and properties, that’s for sure.

These are some of the most common types of security officers in Houston, and we also offer these security officers at Ranger Security Agency.

Know that whenever you require security services in Texas, you can simply come to us at Ranger Security Agency and we will handle everything for you. You won’t have to worry about a thing, that’s a guarantee.

So what are you waiting for?

Call us today at Ranger Security Agency for more information.