How to get an Armed Security Guard License in Austin, TX

Mar 6, 2024

The demand for greater security is on the rise. Opening up the news can make it apparent that the threats in the world continue to go up. This has prompted people to hire armed guards instead of unarmed personnel. However, a guard cannot operate a firearm without the necessary permit to do so. Therefore, the armed security guard license allows the guards to use the firearms on their person if the need arises. 

But, people wonder as to how to get their hands on one of these licenses. In this article, we are going to talk about the requirements for these licenses. We at Ranger Security Agency also provide armed security guards to our clients in Austin, TX and all of our guards have these licenses.

What are the Minimum Requirements?

Now, the exact requirements to get these licenses depends upon the state where one wants to get the license. However, some of the common requirements are here:

  1. Age Requirement: Most states require a person to be at least 18 years of age. However, some states have the minimum age of 21 years to use this license. 
  2. Training: A person needs to undergo and complete basic security training for armed guards. This may require you to undergo basic security training before you can opt for armed security training. 
  3. High School Diploma
  4. Eligibility: You need to be eligible to work in the US before you can have an armed license. 
  5. Record: Your criminal and drug-use record needs to be clean. 

Now, there are some states which are pretty stringent when it comes to these requirements. However, there are states out there where the rules are relaxed. We recommend that it is always better for you to comply with all these regulations to be on the safer side. 

What is the Training needed to become an armed security guard?

Now, to get hold of an armed security guard license, certain protocols need to be adhered to. After successful completion of these training, a person can earn their license for armed guards. Let us look at some of the basic things you need to do in order to get your hands on these licenses. Principally, there are two kinds of training that you need to complete in order to get the armed security license.

Unarmed Security Guard License

This is the first step in getting your armed security license. A security guard needs to complete this regardless of the role they are applying for. This allows the guard to learn all the basic skills that will be required to stay on the job. This also ensures that a guard is up to date with all of the combat techniques and protective maneuvers that they require. 

It should also be noted that unarmed security training is a prerequisite for completing armed security training. A guard needs to complete this training and show their necessary certification so they can be trusted with complex security situations.

Armed/Firearms Security Training

Now, if you have completed unarmed security training, you can get into armed security training. Firearms security training allows a person to effectively use firearms to protect themselves and everyone around them. One of the most important things taught in this training is the legal background surrounding the use of firearms. The security personnel needs to know the protocols about using the firearm. 

Firearms training is non-negotiable as it proves that the guard knows:

  1. How to use the gun properly
  2. Handling the gun responsibility within the requisite protocols

Without this training, you cannot get a firearms license and will not be able to engage yourself in such roles. 

Steps to get Armed Security License

We should tell you that the exact requirements may vary from state, however, we are here to tell you some of the basic things you need to complete:

  1. Fulfill all the requirements to complete an armed security license;
  2. Complete the basic and the firearms training;
  3. Submit an application to the relevant authority. Note that this can either be done physically or through an online application form;
  4. If you are applying through mail, you need to send the relevant documents to the concerned authority. However, if you are applying online, you need to upload the documents on the company server;
  5. A transaction fee is charged which needs to be paid either online or at the site
  6. Verification process may take some and after which you can get your license


Any reasonable person would understand that having an armed security license for a guard adds an extra layer of security. It should be noted that a firearm can effectively protect assets and persons from harm. Further, its effectiveness as a much better deterrent cannot be overlooked. However, the role of security training needs to be understood. The goal is not to have someone hold a firearm and give the feeling of tightening security. A person with the required training knows how to use the gun properly. They should be wary of the situations where the firearm remains as a good option. 

Another thing that needs to be considered are the legal protocols that surround the use of guns. The security personnel needs to know what kind of a situation warrants the need for use of a firearm. A simple security breach may not result in the use of a firearm. The person also needs to be wary of the people around him in order to ensure that no harm ensues to the innocent. 

If you wish to learn more about the process to get an armed security license, do not hesitate to contact. If you are a businessman looking for armed security guards, we at Ranger Security Agency provide our clients with the best armed security guards. All of our armed security guards have undergone the complete training given above and are well-equipped to handle any situation. Click here to contact us to get an idea of how we can make your business safer.