You want to know if your commercial facility is safe, but do you know if it is? As a business owner or manager, it is your responsibility to keep your employees, tenants, and clients safe while on your premises. Hiring a security guard to welcome customers as a concierge or to walk your property can help deter persons who could commit crimes such as vandalism and burglary. If your company has been without on-site security for a long time, you may not even notice the indicators of a problem. Here’s everything you should know about maintaining the safety of your building.
Your Parking Lot Has Been Robbed
Thefts in the parking lot can take many different forms, but all of them should be taken seriously. Having a security person patrol the parking lot might assist in keeping visitors to your office facility safe.
High Crime in the Neighborhood
Many localities make their crime statistics available on the internet or through periodical publications. Find out where you can get crime data for your region by contacting your local police agency. If your police department does not provide statistics, look for an internet source that does. For more information, check the Internet for free crime statistics.
Rising Safety Incidents
Security officers can assist when certain sorts of safety incidents occur in addition to preventing criminality. During their shift, a good security officer will stroll around the grounds. If your security person comes across someone who is in difficulty (for example, if someone is having a medical emergency), your security officer will have the equipment and expertise to assist them.
Burglarized Building Incidents
Burglaries may be terrifying, costly, and dangerous, putting you and everyone else in your building at peril. If your building has been broken into, call a professional security firm right once.
Insecure Building and Parking Lot
Your office building may be exposed if it is unlocked during work hours and your parking lot is not covered by a wall, fence, or gate. A security officer can assist in ensuring that your building is accessible without jeopardizing its security.
If you own an office building, boosting security can help you keep your employees and clients secure. To learn more about how you can safeguard your property, contact a reputable security agency like ours now.