Frankly, one of the bigger questions on everyone’s mind is this: does your business in Houston need armed security guards? We think that it’s still a case-to-case basis since there might be business owners who prefer unarmed guards. However, there are some places or...
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Three Benefits to Hiring a Security Company for Your Business in Houston
In this day and age, it’s always best to know what kind of things you should and shouldn’t have when it comes to your business. We’re not talking about designs and such, but we’re talking about that added bit of security and protection that you might give off to your...
Why You Need Security Services for Your Car Dealership in Houston
If there’s a business that needs the services of security more than the others, it’s probably a car dealership business. Let’s face it, the car dealership industry is continually booming with each passing year. Today, more people can afford cars more than they did in...
Why You Should Have a Security Guard for Your Business in Houston
In today’s day and age, one of the most essential investments that you can make to ensure the safety of your business is by having a security guard. Frankly, this isn’t just applicable to Houston, Texas, but to most businesses around the country as well. Having that...
Why Should You Hire Unarmed Security Guards In San Antonio?
Security officers defend and protect malls, nightclubs, jewelry stores or banks, outside residential homes, or other places. The main focus of these security officers is to safeguard products, property, or even people from various threats. Hence, people bring in these...
Do Shopping Malls in Houston Need Security Guards?
Not just in Houston, but around the country, shopping malls or shopping centers are places where normal people shop, unwind and maybe even relax. So with these things in mind, why do shopping centers in Houston need security guards? If you think about it, shopping...
Benefits of Hiring a Security Guard for your San Antonio Business
We have often undervalued the job of a security guard who sits up day and night simply with one end goal in mind i.e. to protect your business and its employees. A security guard’s job is to protect both the property and its residents. There are various kinds of...
Three Benefits to Hiring Armed Security Guards in Houston
As a business owner in Houston, Texas, you have to ensure the safety and the protection of both your physical properties and your employees. This is something that especially rings true if you’re in an industry that can be considered high-risk. These are industries...
How to Choose Between Armed and Unarmed Security Guards for Your Houston Business
We think that by simply looking at their job titles, you’ll have an idea of what might be the difference between armed and unarmed security guards. By staying true to their job titles, armed security guards are licensed to carry firearms, while unarmed security guards...
Armed Security Guard Services in San Antonio
There is no doubt when one says that there has been an increase in burglaries and break-ins in the community. The business owners are rattled if one puts it mildly and are really scared to carry out their services. Also, the recent upsurge in crimes can be associated...